
Нужно составить диалог, срочно!


Нужно составить диалог, срочно! На тему: The wife has a full-time job and is angry becouse the husband does not help around the house. (По 5 реплик длядвух сторон)


И так я дам тебе не большой перевод чтобы ты сам понимал, что говоришь и вообще нравиится ли тебе этот диалог. W- жена H-мужW: Honey are you at home? H: Yes, i am here how are you? W: Oh, i am so tired, have you do something around the house? H: No… . I was watching TV all this time! There was a very interesting match! W: I was warking all day long and you havn't do anything? H: mmmm, No… .W: Why are you so lasy?! H: I am not lasy but there was a very interestig match! W: It isn't interesting to me, go and wash the dishes, quickley!

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