
Нужно составить небольшой рассказ о друге с использованием данных…


Нужно составить небольшой рассказ о друге с использованием данных слов: ambitious, pessemistic, arrogant (высокомерный) , modest (скромный) ,popular, amusing (забавный) , considerate (тактичный) , generous (щедрый) , selfish (эгоистичный) , optimistic, sensitive, unfair, polite


I`m so happy to tell you about my friend. We are friend for 5 years. My friends (his/her) mane is _ (Jennifer) __ . She (He) is very strange, because Jenny has different character with different people. For exampe, she so ambitious, amusing and considerate with me and with our friends. But despite on this fact Jennifer has other relations with her family. She is generous, modest and polite with her mother and grand parents. Anyway Jenny is my best friend and I like her with this characterization.

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