
Однажды ночью мне приснился…


Однажды ночью мне приснился сон. Я летел в маленьком летающем корабле вместе с инопланетянами. Они все были разные, наверно с разных планет. Как японял, то был общественый межгалактический транспорт. Мне было немножко сташно. Корабль останавливался на всех остановках, и толпы людей заходили и выходили


One night I had a dream. I was flying in a small spaceship with some aliens. They were all different, perhaps they were from different planets. As I understood it, it was a public intergalactic transport. I was scared a little. The ship stayed at all the stops, and the crowds of people came in and went out. At the last stop I found out that there was nobody around me and I had to get out. I was surprised when I had learnt that people in this planet could speak Russian. This planet was called Tron. I noticed that there was a very beautiful nature there. After a while, a boy came up to me, his name was Klark. I made friends with him. Then we went for a walk: he showed me the animals that could fade and much more interesting. But soon I woke up. I was so pity.

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