
Переведите, пожалуйста, без переводчика, переводчик у меня тоже есть


Переведите, пожалуйста, без переводчика, переводчик у меня тоже есть. 1. Мне нужно только двадцать минут, чтобы дочитатьэтот увлекательный приключенческий роман. Он произвел на меня огромное впечатление. Не спеши. Дай мне знать, когда закончишь.


1. I need only 20 minutes to finish this fascinating adventure novel. it has impressed me a lot. Don't hurry. Let me know, when you finish it.2. I want to handle this translation myself, though it consists of many new words.3. i like when my little kitten sits on my knees.4. We have bought a computer. Since that time my little brother has been playing on it instead of reading books and watching TV.5. Watch these boys very carefully — said the librarian — I am afraid, that they can spoil the books.6. She was sitting in a comfortable arm-chair in a cosy room and was totally in with a historacal novel she was reading.7. he speaks English right and fluently, but his speach doesn't consist any idioms.8. Let me introduce myself, my name is Laura Brown. I am a librarian and I work in a public library in the North of England. We have very rare editions of a famous novels. Usually they make great impression on the readers.

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