
Переведите предложения 1) В США законодательная власть осуществляется…


Переведите предложения 1) В США законодательная власть осуществляется конгрессом, который состоит из сената и палаты представителей.2) Палата представителей включает представителей от каждого штата избираемых сроком на два года.


1) In the U.S. legislative power is exercised by the Congress, which consists of the Senate and the house of representatives.2) The house of representatives consists of representatives from each state elected for a term of two years.3) The Supreme Executive body consists of a President, Vice-President and the Cabinet.4) The President of the head of the Supreme Executive power is elected for four years and appoints members of the Cabinet.5 the Congress may expose the President's impeachment.6) the President shall sign the bill and may impose on it the veto.7) the Judicial authority monitors compliance with laws and represents a system of courts8) the Supreme court decides the contentious issues between the States and can impose the veto on the law if it contradicts the Constitution…

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