
Перевидите пожалуйста по всем правилам английского языка Шотландия…


Перевидите пожалуйста по всем правилам английского языка Шотландия — страна красивых горных вершин, крытых вересками, глубоко ипугающими горными озерами, фантастическими замками, задержками и разнообразившими юбками и теплым искренним гостеприимством, чаще всего выраженным в форме стакана виски, медленно потягиваемого в камине.


Scotland is a country of beautiful mountain peaks, covered вересками, deep and frightening mountain lakes, fantastic castles, delays, and разнообразившими skirts warm and sincere hospitality, most often expressed in the form of a glass of whisky, slowly потягиваемого in the fireplace.Although Scotland is also considered part of the UK, and in the end in itself represents a certain country. Flower of Thistle — semi-official national symbol of Scotland, presented, in particular on the banknotes. According to the legend, the XIII centuries the coastal settlement of cattle have suffered from the attacks of the Vikings. As soon as this is followed, in order to avoid unexpected night of the attack, thanks to which the Vikings went barefoot in the thickets of the Scottish Thistle, than identified himself.Picturesque landscapes also do not leave indifferent journey across the country. The nature of Scotland is one of its main attractions. The lake is huge, deep and mysterious, the most famous, which Sucker ness in which water is probably the mysterious inhabitant — the legendary hidden Loch ness monster Nessie.In rivers for trout and salmon, then who smokes benefit, receiving, thus, great Scottish delicacy with which, of course, had to try it together referred to "national drink".It is hard to argue with the already developed standard opinion: Scotland — the country is indeed the most vivid and for a long time mindful impressions.

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