
Помогите написать сочинение «Моя будущая профессия-хореограф»…


Помогите написать сочинение «Моя будущая профессия-хореограф» на английском языке) Заранееспасибо)


My future profession- choreographer Every teenager at some point starts thinking which profession to choose for the future and I’m no exception. My name is (имя) I’m (возраст) and I study in the (класс, цифра) th form of the (название, номер школы) school. As this academic year comes to an end I need to decide on one important problem. It’s about my future studies and profession. I have a choice to stay at school and continue my studies here, or to leave this school at the end of May and continue studying at the local (название колледжа, института в котором ты будешь учиться). From one hand, I love dance and I’ve always wanted to be a vet, from the other hand, my parents insist on another profession. They want me to stay at school two more years and then to enter the largest (любой другой университет, колледж) in our region. They think that it’s a very noble and respected profession. It must be also well-paid. I’m sure that they are right, but still my dream is to dance. I hope they will understand me sometimes. I know that it’s not an easy profession but I’m sure it’s very rewarding. Another problem is the change of institutions. I have studied at this school since my first grade, so I will definitely miss it if I leave for College. Besides I have many good friends from our class, so the change will be a bit painful for me. I will need to adapt to new conditions and people around me. But I hope I’ve made the right choice. After all, if I decide to get the one more profession in the future, I’ll probably (любая другая профессия).

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