
Помогите открыть скобки How many words this list (include)?


Помогите открыть скобки How many words this list (include)? 2 Weathermen say that the temperature (rise) now and soon we (have) good weather . 3What terrible soup! You (waste) all the good vegetables and meat . 4 The chemical plant (poison) the waters of this beautiful river from many years . 5 Look at George , he (pile) food on this plate , he eats so much . 6 When we disaster (happen)? 7. You (clear) the table . Good! Then we can play a game of chess . 8 . What the picnickers (do) when it (begin) raining? 9. People (destroy) the forests of the Amazon Basin for dozens of years . 10. When Ann and I met , our families (stay) at the Black Sea coast .


1) does this list include2) is rising/will have3) have wasted4) has been poisoning5) is piling6) уточните написание слов, эта фраза — абсурд. Возможно, не we, а другое слово? the? Тогда did the disaster happen.7) have cleared8) what did the picknickers do/ when it began raining9) have been destroying10) were stayingВообще, текст содержит некоторые грамматические неоднозначности, к тому же предложения звучат неестественно. Судя по всему, источник — отечественного происхождения, а не аутентичный англофонный. (Претензия не к вам, а к автору сего опуса^^)

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