
Помогите перевести с русского на английский 1) Если бы я не опоздал…


Помогите перевести с русского на английский 1) Если бы я не опоздал на автобус, я пришел бы вовремя на работу. 2) Если бы Майк решилпроблему, он был бы счастлив.


1) If I wasn't late for the bus, I would come in time to work.2) If Mike solved a problem, he would be happy.3) If we listened to the teacher attentively, we would make a task correctly.4) If they had money, they would buy the car.5) If Mary took care of the health, she wouldn't fall ill.6) If I studied diligent, I wouldn't receive "2" at examination.7) If he called Nick, he would learn homework.8) If it made homework, she wouldn't receive "2".9) If Ania had a car, it wouldn't go on foot.10) If we got up earlier, we would be in time on the train.11) If Max got up early, he wouldn't be late in school.12) If the Country house didn't eat a lot of sweet, it would be not not hurt by teeth.13) If they didn't waste time in vain, they would make a lot of things? 14) If I helped mother, she would allow me to go to cinema with friends. У меня было похожее задание, сделал через переводчик, но не гугл)

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