
Помогите пожалуйста грамотно перевести на английский следующие…


Помогите пожалуйста грамотно перевести на английский следующие предложения: 1. В 1492 году Христофор Колумб открылАмерику, приняв ее по ошибке за Индию, поэтому туземцев, которых он там встретил, он стал называть индейцами.


1. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America, having taken it by mistake for India, so the natives, whom he met there, he began to call Indians.2. In the 16th century in North America settled: the French in Quebec, the Dutch in New York and the English in Virginia and New England.3. In the early 17th century, English settlers began to grow tobacco in Virginia.4. In 1620, on the ship "Mayflower" in Plymouth, England arrives group calling itself the "Pilgrim Fathers."5. Some of the Indians helped them to grow corn and pumpkins, where to fish and how to hunt game.6. In autumn 1621 the Pilgrim Fathers were invited to the feast of the leader and another 90 of the Indian tribe that helped them survive in unfamiliar conditions. This meal is shared with the Indians, and was the first celebration of Thanksgiving Day.

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