Помогите пожалуйсто срочно нужно решить 1.Where was George Washington born? 2.What things did he learn to do when he was a boy? 3.What did GeorgeWashington do during the Revolutionary War? 4.Why did people respect him? 5.What did Washington want to do after the Revolutionary War? 6.When did George Washington become the first president of the country? 7.In what kind of family was Abraham Lincoln born? 8.How did Little Abe teach himself? 9.Why did people like young Abe Lincoln? 10.Who gave Lincoln an idea to become a lawyer? 11.What was happening in the country at the time when Lincoln was President? 12.What great event in the US history happened in 1865?
1,22 февраля 17322. Землемер 3. В 17874,5. Боролся против насилия 6. В 17867,15 апреля 18658,9,10,11,12. В1862 освобождение рабов
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