
Помогите сочинить сказку на Английском языке про обезьяну и крокодила…


Помогите сочинить сказку на Английском языке про обезьяну и крокодила ипользуясловосочетания: a little monkeywanted to eatfriendsa green crocodilewas hungrymany huntersyellow banana 10 предложений или чуть-чуть побольше если возможно и перевод


Once upon a time on earth lived a little monkey. One day she met a green crocodile. He was hungry. The crocodile wanted to eat monkey. But monkey sad: "I want to be friends with you. I'll give you a yellow banana". The crocodile ate it. But he wanted to eat more. So the monkey gave him a big come of bananas. The Crocodile sad "Thanks" and went home. Now they are friends.

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