
Поставьте, пожалуйста…


Поставьте, пожалуйста, глаголы в скобках в past simple или present perfect 1) … .*ve been (be) a ski instructor for many years now. 2) I… (take up) the sport when I … . (be) at school. 3) I still remember the first time I … (try) to ski. 4) I… . (slip) on the ice and … (.break) my ankle. 5) Thankfully,I … (not/have) a serious accident since then. 6) Last year, I… . (try) ice-skating for the very fist time. 7) I… (slip) on the ice rink a couple of times since then but I … . (not/break) anything.8) Two years ago,I… . (take) snowboarding lessons.9) I… (not/like) it because I… (find) it a little dangerous.10) I… . (not/play) ice-hockey yet. И переведите, пожалуйста на русский. Спасибо!


1) have been2) took up,was3) tried4) slept,broke5) haven't6) tried7) slept,haven't broken8) took9) didn't like,found10) haven't played

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