
Пожалуйста, будьте так добры…


Пожалуйста, будьте так добры, мне нужно составить сочинение по английский (английский язык) мое путешествие (без разницы куда: D) что я там видела, чемзанималась, интересные моменты, 60 слов


I would like to tell you about my trip to London. It is a great city with gorgeous history and magnificent culture. When I was there I saw so many really exciting things like Trafalgar Square, where the Nelson's Column and National Gallery are situated, the Tower of London, which was build by Romans several centuries ago and which was used as a castle later, and other beatiful places. In London, I tried to use every minute of my time there to improve my English. So therefore I was talking to people, meeting new friends, enjoying cinemas and theatres. And I was so glad to go to Olympic Games and support the sportsmen of my motherland.

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