


ПОЖЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ! Очень нужно! У меня завтра английский, и мне срочно нужно написать соченение по английскому с описанием. Нужно описатьпраздник девятого мая. Я вас умоляю ПОМОГИТЕ!


I would like to tell you the mosy important and patriotic holiday in Russia- Victory day. So, it is celebrated on the 9th of May. In 1945 the Second world war was over. Soviet people defended the freedom and independence of the country. Fascites armies were defeated. The Russions people sufferd a lot in this terrible war. The was over won, but more than 20 million Russian people were killed. They died, but didn't allow the fascites to capture the world and male people their slaves. We will always remember that we can live only because they won that war. Every new generation will remember their names and feats. There are a lot of memorials and monuments to Russian Soldiers in our country. People come to them to lay flowers and to remember those, who gave their lives to defeat the enemy and make our lives free and happy. People remember and always stand in silence for a minute.

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