
Преобразуйте повелительные наклонения в косвенную речь


Преобразуйте повелительные наклонения в косвенную речь. Пожалуйста, очень надо: 1. "Open your books at page ten', said our teacher to us2. 'Don`t make so mush noise', said mother to her children


1. the teacher asked us to open our books at ten page.2. mother asked her children not to make so much noise.3. his friens asked him to open the window.4. my granny asked me not to lock the door.5. he asked me to turn the sound down.6. my sister asked me not to call her so late.7. she asked me to give her his address.8. they asked him not to tell her the truth9. he asked his daughter not to tease the dog

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