
Рассказ про зайца 4-5 предложений


Рассказ про зайца 4-5 предложений


" Rabbits — is not only valuable fur , but three or four kilograms of choice meat ." But the hare — it's not bunnies! Hare — a wild beast , but at the same time, white and fluffy. And it is a lie saying that the hare — a coward. Yes, he usually runs away from predators , but what he is , if he is not apredator , and it is not inherent nature of aggression, whichencourages use offensive strategy . Not to mention the small size and the absence in the arsenal of piercing and cutting items . But despite all this, the hare never gives up and fights to the last , running , hiding , deceiving the enemy. It is easy to be brave in the armor with a grenade launcher , and you try to naked! In general, this philosophy has already gone , and we seem to be about hares … Hare — beasts of the forest , free , free . Ifthe hare loses his freedom , he loses all its essence and becomes arabbit who does nothing that chews and getting fat , getting fat and furgrows … on the cap. Gloom! So an integral part of the hare is freedom. How , in general, and humans. Afterall, the person ceases to be a man when his soul will die , and freedom, and in their place come the fear and hopelessness.But I'm about hares … though, that I know of hares — very little . Andthat does not pass zoologically — encyclopedic information about thistype of animals, and how would your image, your association with thisbeast. And I really love rabbits, just like that, for the beautiful eyes , long ears , fluffy tail and a happy

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