
Розпорядок дня свій


Розпорядок дня свій.


1. I get up at 7,00 іn the morning.2.Do exercises and go take a cold shower. 7,10-7,253. Сover the bed and I'm eating. 7,30-7,45,4.Quickly get dressed and go to school. 7,50-8,055.Oh no, school… 8,30-14,006.Go in my home. 14,307. Сhange into other clothes, and I'm eating. 14,40-15,058.Do my homework. 15,10-15,559.Play on the yard. 16,00-17,3010.Dine and gather bag to school tomorrow. 17,40-18,40,11.See TV. 19,00-20,4012.Wash and go to bed. 21,21-30Це все

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