
Сделайте с этими словами предложения. 1.to stop 2.a demon 3. a musket


Сделайте с этими словами предложения. 1.to stop 2.a demon 3. a musket. 4.a platform 5. a mile 6. a darricade 7. a signal 8. a goblin 9.a ciub Вот с этимс каждым словом сделайте по 1 предложению. Помогите умаляю…


1.When you see the sign, you must to stop.2. Today I was having a bad dream in which was a demon.3.Musket was the heaviest weapon in the 16th century4.I waited on the platform until the your train will suit5.The sailors were trying to read a mile in their cruise6.In war, peoples build barricades of improvised7.I fell asleep at the wheel, but a signal woke me8.My favorite actor played a goblin in a new movie9.All night I was at the club with friendsесли так только, хз

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