
Сочинение на тему я люблю читать


Сочинение на тему я люблю читать


I love to read . Reading is the most exciting occupation . for our brain . The man who couldn't read nothing to be gained in the training . Not the reader does not know how to correctly form a sentence , to read , to quickly formulate their thoughts and their progress . If you are not reading , I can safely call you a man restless and not diligent! People who have read some загадкой. is all-powerful , all of them on the shoulder! They will easily find a way out of any situation . The person who reads this man of reason,logic , mind, intelligence . Reading is very important. And the sooner and the more you begin to do this,the more you have a chance to become smarter , and much better than all of your peers! Read , this is a very useful occupation .

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