
Составьте диалог по данной проблеме. Помогите пожалуйста!


Составьте диалог по данной проблеме. Помогите пожалуйста!) Готова дать больше баллов, если вы решитесь взяться за работу) нужно составитьдиалог в виде интервью. У владельца спрашивают, как он собирается бороться с проблемой, владелец отвечает и т.п.


- What type of activity at your company? — Our company mines gold, in Canada -As I know, you have some problems… Isn't it? -Yes, you are right unfortunately — But why the company has such problems? — Because quality of gold is low grade. The mine's costs are high and my company is losing money. — What wouid you do to save business? — I believe thaton the site there is more gold.If we'll make a new discovery, all problems would be solved! But exploration is slow. So i want to to invite new researchers and to organize work in a different way-more responsibly and productively. — Is it really, what do you think? — I sure that there are chances. The whole matter is in money. But I think that the credit will help our company in this caseю — Well, I hope that everything цшдд be OK. Good luck to you! — Thank you!

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