
Вставь пропущенные глаголы: was,were,did,could…


Вставь пропущенные глаголы: was,were,did,could 1.The boy looked at hiz sister`s present.But he … not take any sweet. 2.Miss Chater was notwrite the letter yesterday.She… too buzy.


1.The boy looked at his sister`s present.But he did not take any sweet. (возможно и could. Если он по какой — то причине не смог взять конфету…) 2.Miss Chater could not write the letter yesterday.She was too busy.3 Did you play this computer game yesterday? -No,we did not.We were in the zoo.4. Were you at home two hours ago? -Yes,I was.5.I could not dive last summer.Now I can.

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