
Write the words next to the pictures


Write the words next to the pictures. Put the past verbs in the blanks. We (go) went to Pollys … дом… It is near the … море…! Today we (go) … to the Watersports Centre and the Aquarium. After the Aquarium we (see) … a… женщина… in a… . Кафе… . It (is) … the same woman. She (go) … to the… дом… and (look) … .under the mat! She (see) … us and (leave) … .the cafe. She (leave) … her… очки… .case on the table. We followed her but she got in her… . Машина… and (drive) … away. Rick (look) … inside the case. It (isnt) … .sungtasses. It (is) … a tiny… . Компьютер… .with an e-mail on it!


We went to Polly"s house. It was near the sea! Today we went to the Watersports Centre and the Aquarium. After the Aquarium we saw a woman in a cafe. It was the same woman. She went to the house and looked under the mat! She saw us and left the cafe. She left her glasses case on the table. We followed her but she got in her car and drove away. Rick looked inside the case. It wasn"t sungtasses. It was a tiny computer with an e-mail on it!

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