
Задайте вопросы к предложениям: альтернативные, общие, специальные


Задайте вопросы к предложениям: альтернативные, общие, специальные.1) Cheese called his wise men2) They did wery good work3) They lived in the talace and ate the kings cheese/


Не пойму смысл 1 предложения- может что-то не так написано? 2) They did a very good workDid they do a very good work? Who did a very good work? What did they do? They did a very good work, didn*t they? Did they do a very good or awful work? 3) They lived in the palace and ate the kings cheeseDid they live in the palace and ate the kings cheese? Who lived in the palace and ate the kings cheese? Where did they live? They lived in the palace and ate the kings cheese, didn*t they? Did they live in the palace or a hut?

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