
Заполните пропуски и напишите краткие утвердительные и отрицательные…


Заполните пропуски и напишите краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы навопросы.1) ____ your mother at work every day? 2) ____ his parents teachers? 3) ____ Bob very popular at school? 4) ____ Mish see his friend last night? 5) ____ she speak German? 6) _____ my friend phone me on Sundays? 7) _____ they in the park yesterday? 8) ____ he at home last weekend? Там нужен глагол связка. Это в настоящем времени: am,is,are. А в прошедшем was , were


1) are your mother at work every day? -no,she is not 2) is his parents teachers? -no,are not 3) is Bob very popular at school? -yes,he is 4) was Mish see his friend last night? 5) is she speak German? -yes,she is 6) was my friend phone me on Sundays? -yes,he was 7) was they in the park yesterday? -yes,they are 8) was he at home last weekend? -yes,he was

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