Complete the paragraph with the comparative form of the adjectives…

mstkalenko 14 октября 2023

Complete the paragraph with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Alan and Russell are brothers, but they look different.Alan is younger (young) than Russell. He is also (1) _______ (tall) and (2) _______ (handsome) than his brother. Alan is (3) _______ (fit) then Russell. Russell is (4) _______ (fat) then Alan but he is also (5) _______ (happy) then his brother. Alan has (6) _______ (dark) skin them Russell and Russall has (7) _______ (short) hair then his brother.

категория: английский язык


1. taller2.handsomer3.Fitter4.fatter5.happier6.darker7.shoter

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