Complete the sentences choosing the right form of the verb to be

street101 16 октября 2023

Complete the sentences choosing the right form of the verb to be (has been,have been,had been).1) I am absolutely sure that a lot of recent programmes… devoted to the globalproblems of our time.2) The teacher explained to us that the BBC … formed in Britain according to the monarch's order.3) Lately a lot of old feature films … shown on "Culture"channel.4) A new remake of my favourite cartoon … just … shown on TV.5) They said the books … published several years before.6) This TV programmes … introduced lately.I haven't seen it yet.7) Such video clips … never … enjoyed by old people.8) This concert … just … recorded.Now my parents can listen to it.9) Alice said the books … not … bought yet.We can't find the shop where they are sold.10) They told us the new school … built in our street.

категория: английский язык


1) I am absolutely sure that a lot of recent programmes… devoted to the globalproblems of our time.2) The teacher explained to us that the BBC … formed in Britain according to the monarch's order.3) Lately a lot of old feature films had been shown on "Culture"channel.4) A new remake of my favourite cartoon has just been shown on TV.5) They said the books had been published several years before.6) This TV programmes have been introduced lately.I haven't seen it yet.7) Such video clips have never beenenjoyed by old people.8) This concert has just been recorded.Now my parents can listen to it.9) Alice said the books have not been bought yet.We can't find the shop where they are sold.10) They told us the new school has been built in our street.

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