Небольшое сочинение (около 10 предложений) про спорт в Англии

txplive 17 сентября 2023

Небольшое сочинение (около 10 предложений) про спорт в Англии. Именно про спорт в целом, а не отдельный вид. На английском языке, конечно же.

категория: английский язык


Englishmen love sports. Many kinds of sport have taken the origin in England. And when the English neither play games nor watch them, they like to speak about sports. Fotball and rugby are the most popular team games in England. Some people say it's not games, it's battles.Englishmen pay much attention to swimming and walking. Also many people consider cricket the most English of games. It's played from May till September.Also both women and men from England like swimming and playing tennis.The Englishmen are great lovers of sports.

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16 сентября 2023
Переведите пожалуйста (нормально и понятно) How to cope with bad marks Remember, a mark does not show what kind of person you are, sodon’t feel as if you are a terrible person. Don’t compare yourself to others; they’re not you and you’re not them, you will always get different marks from each other. It’s part of life! Tip 1| If your study is an uphill struggle, asking for help from a friend or a classmate will be a good idea. Try to find other students like you in class who want to study better. If you form a group and try to study together helping each other, you will be able to get each and everything done in the class even that which you have missed. Tip 2| Talk to your teacher. This demonstrates to your teacher that you are serious about improving your marks and getting help. Ask your teacher why he thinks you are not doing so well, and what his advice is for you to improve. Tip 3| Set a specific time for homework and studying. Eliminate (исключи) any distractions, such as TV, music or computers from the study area. Completely clear your desk and make sure you’ve got a nice comfortable chair. Tip 4| To get good marks, you need to discipline yourself to participate in class. Participating in classroom activities gives an opportunity for learning new skills. You should be always on-task, listen to your teacher and classmates’ answers, respond to questions and participate in group discussions. iTip 5[ Some students miss classes that they don’t like. Do go to your classes, however. Just missing one class can leave a hole in your knowledge that can take a long time to repair. If you absolutely can’t go to class, you must catch up by borrowing notes from a friend. Follow these tips and there is no reason why your marks shouldn’t improve.

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