Помогите написать сочинение на тему «Любимое время года»

lucifer 20 сентября 2023

Помогите написать сочинение на тему «Любимое время года»

категория: английский язык


my favorite season of year is autumn. autumn comes after summer. it is colde in autumn than in summer. the autumn months are september, october, november. in autumn the days became shoter and nights longer. the sky is often cloudy. it often rains but there are some sunny days in late september, which are called indian summer. the farmers begin to harvest what they have sowed in spring. it is the season of harvesting. there are a lot of fruit and vegetables in autumn. they are: apples and pears, tomatoes and cucumbers, melons and water-melons, plums and carrots. the trees leaves and grass turn yellow and gold and fall. by the way, fall is the name of autumn in american english. birds fly away to the south to come back in spring. it is very beautiful in autumn in a forest. we like to gather mushrooms or go for a walk there. i like autumn.

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