Помогите пожалуйста написать тему по английскому "A shopper's…

zlodey87 31 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста написать тему по английскому "A shopper's Paradise" 7 класс, на зачет нужно… Заранееспасибо!

категория: английский язык


Shopping is practically a national pastime in Taiwan, and Taipei is home to a vast range of stores. Whether you spend your money in a designer boutique, hi-tech mall, or at a night market stall, you should expect to receive service that’s both friendly and helpful.Designer LabelsIf this is your first trip to Taipei, you’ll quickly discover that it’s a truly an international city, and many of the world’s top designers and fashion houses have stores in the city. Brands range from Chanel, Prada and Tiffany’s to more affordable names such as Benetton, and Tommy Hilfiger. The more exclusive of these labels can mainly be found in the Sogo stores on Zhonxiao Road and at the 101 and Bella Vita shopping malls and Mitsukoshi department stores in the Xinyi District.Gareth Olivier, who operates an international trading business, enjoys 101 for its location and service. “It’s within throwing distance of both the Taipei World Trade Center and Taipei International Convention Center, so it’s great for visiting businesspeople, whether they want to shop or just get something to eat. I think, for foreign visitors, 101’s also better because, generally, the sales staff there seem comfortable speaking in English – that’s not always the case in Taiwan.” Genie Chang, a young Taiwanese executive, had a few comments for people wanting to buy designer accessories. “The Mitsukoshi stores have the widest choice of shoes and bags. Sogo has a lot as well, but I don’t like going there because the stores are always crowded.”

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