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moderado 21 сентября 2023

Прошу пожалуйста написать проект по таким вопросам: 1. Выберете спорт о котором вы хотите рассказать (можно любой) 2. Обьясните почему вывыбрали этот спорт

категория: английский язык


Nowdays basketball is one of the most popular sports all over the world. A lot of people enjoy playing it everyday. Especially it is very popular in USA where it was invented. It is a team sport so it is very important to be friendly beetwen each other. A lot of teams all over the world fight to become best. A lot of players strech themselves because they want to be the most important part of the team. 6 June 1946 is one of the most important days for every basketball fan. On this day was invented NBA — one of the best and popular association all over the world. People all over the world enjoy wathing NBA games. It is really interesting to chill out with you friends wathing how your favourite team is going to win.

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