Сс по английскому на свободную тему

md8tyr 08 сентября 2023

Сс по английскому на свободную тему

категория: английский язык


Only in autumn you can appreciate the beauty of the trees, so I propose to give the name of the next part of the plan, in which we will describe the beauty of the autumn trees. As autumn without paints and brush without all the leaves, made bright colorful carpet on the ground, covered her with a warm quilt.Rowan-tree, like a girl adorned for the holiday, all in red beads and earrings, some leaves she turned yellow, others became purple. tree autumn turns into a stunningly beautiful woman. Leaves like torches may be greenish-pink pearl overflow, l Trees do not forget spruce and pine, give them presents. Here willow covered them with thin Golden fish, and the birch — yellow hearts. The eyes of the fir and pine trees grown from a prickly and soft conifers and deciduous. All in gold, bronze, elegant and colorful.

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