Выберите соответствующую форму. Tom and Mary live/lives in England

retset 22 ноября 2023

Выберите соответствующую форму. Tom and Mary live/lives in England. They both work/works in London, but they don't/doesn't live there. Mary work/works in ahotel and Tom drive/drives a taxi. They both enjoy/enjoys their jobs, because they meet/ meets a lot of people. They live/lives in a very nice house, but they want/wants to move. We like/likes our jobs, Mary say/says but we have to/ has to travel to London every day. It take/takes a long time and it cost/costs a lot of money. Mary want/wants to buy a house in London, but houses there cost/costs a lot, too.

категория: английский язык


Tom and Mary live in England. They both work in London, but they don't live there. Mary works in a hotel and Tom drives a taxi. They both enjoy their jobs, because they meet a lot of people. They live in a very nice house, but they want to move. We like our jobs, Mary says but we have to travel to London every day. It takes a long time and it costs a lot of money. Mary wants to buy a house in London, but houses there cost a lot, too. Here we practise The Present Simple Tense.

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