Задайте 10 вопросов к тесту

sutrium 19 октября 2023

Задайте 10 вопросов к тесту. Two Brothers Once there were two brothers, Peter and Bernard. Both of them liked to ride horses. Oneday they both went to buy a horse. Bernard bought a horse and Peter bought a horse, too.

категория: английский язык


1.What was the name of the two brothers? 2.What they liked to do? 3.The brothers bought the horses in one day? 4.What the said Bernard? 5.What came up with the brothers for the first time? 6.Does mane the grew again? 7.What the Peter asked that his brother? 8.Did they find out? 9.If the yes, what? 10.Is there a hidden meaning in the text?

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19 октября 2023

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