Переведите текст, только не через переводчик …

riviera163 04 октября 2023

Переведите текст, только не через переводчик … вместо прочерков нужно вставить такие слова: advertise, average, daily, network, online, radio, worldwide,channel, medium, news, press, transmit. The Russia Today TV channel provides English-speaking audiences with the latest ___ about what`s happening in Russia and in the world around.Russia Today is the first English language channel which learn what other ____are not likely to present.Every day on Russia Today there is a theree-minute talk The Media Mirror about the Russian ____.From this ____programme TV viewers can learn about the most remarkable stories that appear in this country`s leading newspapers . More that 300 Russian and foreing journalists work for the ____. Among others the team includes George Watts a famous Radio Moscow presenter whose voice thousands of ___ listeners know very well. The Russia Tiday channel is available on the cable ___ in practically every country of Europe. Russia Today can aiso be watched ____. On ____ 90 million pay TV viewers watch Russia Today ___.

категория: английский язык


The Russia Today TV channel provides English-speaking audiences with the latest newsabout what`s happening in Russia and in the world around.Russia Today is the first English language channel which learn what other _channels___are not likely to present.Every day on Russia Today there is a three-minute talk The Media Mirror about the Russian _press_.From this _daily_programme TV viewers can learn about the most remarkable stories that appear in this country`s leading newspapers . More that 300 Russian and foreing journalists work for the radio. Among others the team includes George Watts a famous Radio Moscow presenter whose voice thousands of _medium listeners know very well. The Russia Today channel is available on the cable network in practically every country of Europe. Russia Today can also be watched _online_. On _average_ 90 million pay TV viewers watch Russia Today worldwide_. Телеканал «России Сегодня» или «Сегодняшння Россия» или «Рашн тудэй» снабжает англоязычных слушателей самыми последними новостями о том, что происходит в России и в мире. "Рашн тудэй» — первый англоязычный канал, где вы можете узнать такого, что другие каналы не показывают. Каждый день на «Рашн тудэй» проходит трехминутная передача «Зеркало СМИ» о российской прессе. Из это программы телезрители смогут узнать о самых значительных новостях, которые появляются в ведущих газетах этой страны. Более 300 российских и иностранных журналистов работают на радио. Среди прочих, в ее состав входит Джордж Ватс знаменитый ведущий Московского Радио, чей голос знают тысячи слушателей очень хорошо. «Рашн тудэй» доступен в кабельной сети практически в каждой стране Европы. «Рашн тудэй» также можно смотреть онлайн В среднем 90 млн. Телезрителей во всем мире платят за просмотр «Рашн тудэй» .

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04 октября 2023
ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!) №11. Вставьте артикли: William Shakespeare,… greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in… Stratford-on-Avon in… England… . Stratford is… small country town in… farming district near … centre of… England … . Avon, which is… pretty river with … grass and… trees all along its banks, runs through … Stratford. Not much is known of… Shakespeare's father. He was… farmer who, at… different times of his life, sold … meat and bought and sold… wool. He was poor and was often in… money difficulties. Very little is known about… life of his only son William also… . little house in which… great writer was born still stands. It is now… museum. William went to… school in… Stratford. In 1586 he went to… London. Probably… first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that there were in… London at that time. Then he became… actor and soon began to write… plays for… company of actors to which he belonged. Shakespeare bought… largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610. He spent… last years of his life in it. ЕСЛИ НЕ ЗАТРУДНИТ ВОТ ЕЩЕ №5 Поставьте к следующим предложениям вопросы: 1) общие; 2) специальные; 3) разделительные. 1. There is a book on the table. 2. He must work hard today. 3. We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4. We were reading the whole evening. 5. They don't go to work on Sunday. 6. It is not cold today. 7. Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8. We learn English at school. 9. They will show you how to get there.

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