1. A leap year has … days 1,364 2,365 3,366 4,3672

angelol 14 октября 2023

1. A leap year has … days 1,364 2,365 3,366 4,3672. The most famous lake monster in Scotland is said to live in Loch … 1. Lomond 2. Awe 3.Ness 4. Lochy3." The apple never falls far from the three " means … 1. you are always happy 2. a child behaves like his parents 3. you must help your family 4. you should gather apples4. Cinderella is a story about a … 1. poor girl 2. sleeping girl 3. mermaid 4. magic mirror 5. This museum was used as a zoo, prison and treasury. 1. The British Museum2. Tate Modern 3. The Tower of London 4. Victoria and Albert Museum6.The name of the giant wheel in London is … 1. Big Ben 2. Scotland Yard 3. the London Eye 4.British wheel

категория: английский язык


1. 3,2. 3,3. 2,4. 1,5. 3,6. 3.

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