1) I… .f (finish) this work if in… (have) some time tonight .2) What …

z0m8ie 28 октября 2023

1) I… .f (finish) this work if in… (have) some time tonight .2) What … .you … (do) if someone (give) you a million pounds? 3) If it … (not/ rain) tomorrow , they … . (have) a picnic4) If Jane … (be) more carefui , she … . (not/make) so mistakes5) Sam … (play) with us today , if he … . (not/ be) ill6) If i … . (be) you , i … . (wear) that dress

категория: английский язык


1. I will finish this work if I have some time tonight.2. What will you do if someone gives you a million pounds? 3. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, they will have a picnic.4. If Jane is more careful, she won't make so mistakes.5. Sam will play with us today, if he isn't ill.6. If I were you, I would wear that dress.

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