1 Linda Don"t have to/ Does have to/Doesn"t have to walk…

leonidd 07 сентября 2023

1 Linda Don"t have to/ Does have to/Doesn"t have to walk the dog in the evening. 2 We Have to/ Has to/Doesn"t have to wear warm clothes in the winter. 3Peter Have to/Has to/Don"t have to play the violin every day. 4 You Haven"t/Don"t have to/Doesn"t have to help me. I"m OK. 5 I have to/Do I has to/Do I have to work on Saturdays? 6 Jim has to Wash/Washes/Washing the dishes after dinner.

категория: английский язык


1 Linda doesn't have to walk the dog in the evening. 2 We have to wear warm clothes in the winter. 3 Peter has to play the violin every day. 4 You don"t have to help me. I"m OK. 5 Do I have to work on Saturdays? 6 Jim has to wash the dishes after dinner.

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