1.Look at the sky, i think it …

levenessa 05 октября 2023

1.Look at the sky, i think it … soon. a) will rains b) rains c) is goung to rain. 2.Why don't you … a picture os us? a) take b) have c) do 3/I wassuddenly asked to … a speech. a) take b) make c) do 4. She is never satisfied with her work, …? a) isn't she b) is she c) doesn't she 5. The shop will be closed … two weeks. a) since b) about c) for 6. The man … I saw was very angry. a) that b) which c) whose 7. When i came back a new metro station … a) is built b) had built c) was being built. 8. I didn't … that he wouild tell me a lie. a) await b) wait c) expect 9. Can you make your son … more agreeable? a) be b) to be c) being 10… . the end , he agreed with his mother. a) at b) in c) on

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