1. Определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:…

maximalian 03 сентября 2024

1. Определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово: 1. Usually he sits near the window .2. Our college has a big building.3. Newton was an outstanding scientist.4. This method is widely used.5. Where do you work? 6. Do you like your work? 7. Our students do a lot of their work in the laboratories.8. There are some departments at the Institute.2. Найдите а) подлежащее и б) сказуемое в данном предложении: In the nearest future the pupils are to be tested in all subjects.3. Вставьте нужный предлог: 1. I go … the college… bus.2. Many students… our college study well.3… . leaving the college I can try to enter the University.4. Our college trains specialists… work… different spheres.4. Употребите нужную форму глаголов to be и to have: 1. Prof. Ivanov… our lecturer.2. I… a first-year student now.3. He… born in 1985,4. My brother… two children.5. They… a lot of work to do this week.5. Употребите нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: 1. You… consult your director.2… . I go with you? – Please, do.3. The train… come at 7 o’clock yesterday.4. The students… come to all their lectures.5. They… speak English and don’t know French.

категория: английский язык


2. Найдите а) подлежащее и б) сказуемое в данном предложении: In the nearest future the pupils are to be tested in all subjects. 3. Вставьте нужный предлог: 1. I go to the college by bus.2. Many students from our college study well.3. From leaving the college I can try to enter the University.4. Our college trains specialists for work at different spheres. 4. Употребите нужную форму глаголов to be и to have: 1. Prof. Ivanov is our lecturer.2. I am a first-year student now.3. He has born in 1985,4. My brother has two children.5. They have a lot of work to do this week. 5. Употребите нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: 1. You should consult your director.2. Could I go with you? – Please, do.3. The train must come at 7 o’clock yesterday.4. The students have to come to all their lectures.5. They can't speak English and don’t know French. v pervom zadanii ya ne nashla videlennie slova)

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