1 Out in the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or the Present…

zhu4koff 21 сентября 2023

1 Out in the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or the Present Progressive. 1) Andy sometimes… comics. (toread)

категория: английский язык


1) Andy sometimes reads comics. (to read) 2) We never watch TV in the morning. (to watch) 3) Listen! Sandy is singing in the bathroom. (to sing) 4) My sister usually helps in the kitchen. (to help) 5) My mother is making breakfast now. (to make) 6) They often clean the bathroom. (to clean) 7) Look! The boys are coming home. (to come) 8) Every day his grandfather goes for a walk. (to go) 9) I am chatting with my friend at the moment. (to chat) 10) Cats eat mice. (to eat)

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