1. Помогите найти гимн России

splin 22 октября 2023

1. Помогите найти гимн России

категория: английский язык


O Russia, for ever you’re strong sacred country! O Russia, for ever the land that we love! The fame that is great and the will that is mighty –So be they thy treasure in ages to come. Praised be the Fatherland, cherishing home of ours –Cent’ries-old union of peoples in free,Popular wisdom given us by ancestors.Praised be our country! And we’re proud of thee! From seas in the South and up to polar borderOur woods and our meadows have stretched far away.Alone in the whole world, you stand one and only! By God saved as ever our dear native land. Praised be the Fatherland, cherishing home of ours –Cent’ries-old union of peoples in free,Popular wisdom given us by ancestors.Praised be our country! And we’re proud of thee! For generous dreaming, for life and for longingThe years approaching give us ample scope.With faith in our Homeland we are getting stronger.It was so, it is so and it will be so! Praised be the Fatherland, cherishing home of ours –Cent’ries-old union of peoples in free,Popular wisdom given us by ancestors.Praised be our country! And we’re proud of thee!

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