1) what is the 3rd person singular of these verbs in the present…

denton 26 сентября 2023

1) what is the 3rd person singular of these verbs in the present simple? go do watch finish be drinkknow

категория: английский язык


1) godoeswatchesfinishesisdrinksknowsreadscomeshasstudiescarriestriesmarriesplays 2) a) Give me a coat and I'll put it in my bedroom.b) Margaret starts her diet today.c) Mrs Ellison buys 5 kilos of meat every Saturday.d) The doctor thinks Marcy is in great shape.e) Mary says you speak five languages. You must be very intelligent.f) Every Monday I write a composition in school.g) My family always spends their hilidays in the south.h) James watches television 10 hours a day! i) Janice is such a good student! she studies 3 hours every night.

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