1.What is the biggest city in Great Britain?

rikani 04 сентября 2023

1.What is the biggest city in Great Britain? a) London b) Belfast c) Manchester2. What is the great tennis tournament in Britain called? a) Kremlin Cup b) Wimbledon c) US Open3. What is the nearest star to London? 4.What is the population in Great Britain? a) 50 mln people b) 57 mln c) 44 mln5. What name is connected with the theory of evolution? a) Isaac Newton b) ThomasEdison c) Charles Darwin6. What is the national sport game in Britain? a) hockey b) table tennis c) football d) cricket7. What is the longest river in Britain? 8. What is the British flag called? 9. What is the name of Kate Middleton and Prince William’s child? 10. How many children has Queen Elisabeth II?

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04 сентября 2023
25 п 26 пкт! Read the text bellow and choose the best alternative for each space. Life at university — a student writes I enjoyed business studies at school and wanted to (0) … .my knowledge of the subject so I decided to study it at university. Also I knew it would be (26) … .later when I looked for a job. At first, the course wasn't quite (27) … .I had expected because it didn't cover the subjects I was particularly interested (28) … .We spent lots of time studying a range of subjects (29) … .law and economics but I soon (30) … .these are things you need to understand. In class we work in groups, preparing ideas, we then (31) … .them with the others. Now we're learning how to make business plans and we can see how they would (32) … .aPPty to the world of business. We have a very busy (33) … .life at university so whatever subject you study, you must be (34) … .on it or yon won't make yourself fintl the (35) … .to study. 0 A increase B grow C fill D correct 26 A likely B useful C possible D hopeful 27 A that B which C what D than 28 A by B with C of D in 29 A so B as C such D like 30 A explained B realised C showed D believed 31 A divide B join C shareДополнен 3 года назад 32 A actualty actualty B B just просто C C presently в настоящее время D D exactly точно 33 33 A party участник B B evening вечер C C social социальный D D free свободный 34 34 A glad приятный B B keen острый C C clever умный D D quick быстрый 35 35 A time время B B period период C C day день D D hour час

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