1. -What you (do) at about 9 o'clock tonight?

abdalov 19 ноября 2023

1. -What you (do) at about 9 o'clock tonight? -I don't know yet. Probably I (watch) television. 2. -What you (think) about? -My brother. I often (think) about him these days. 3. When I (be) younger I (prefer) bananas to all fruits but now I (eat) only citrous fruits. 4. Yesterday evening when my sister and I (do) our homework the telephone (ring). I (answer) it and (hear) a strange voice. 5. -Could you give me a lift? -Not today, I (not drive) I (go) by bus. Sorry. 6. Tomorrow after classes John (work) in the library. He usually (go) to the lobrary after classes. He (prepare) for his exams.

категория: английский язык


1. -What will you do at about 9 o'clock tonight? -I don't know yet. Probably I'll watch television. 2. -What are you thinking about? -My brother. I often think about him these days. 3. When I was younger I preferred bananas to all fruits but now I eat only citrous fruits. 4. Yesterday evening when my sister and I were doing our homework the telephone rang. I answered it and heard a strange voice. 5. -Could you give me a lift? -Not today, I shan't drive I'll go by bus. Sorry. 6. Tomorrow after classes John will work in the library. He usually goes to the library after classes. He is preparing for his exams.

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