1. What you (do) when Ben phoned?

dyshess 15 сентября 2023

1. What you (do) when Ben phoned? 2. They (move) into their new flat yet? 3. Do you know what they (discuss) now? 4. The problem was more serious than we (to expect).5. What a boring film! It's the most boring film I ever (see).6. I'll be surprised if you (pass) your exams successfully.7. Look! The bus (be) completely empty. There (be) nobody on it.8. Nancy (look) like her father.9. If you take the medicine, you (feel) better.10. Linda (wait) for the bus when I saw her. Помогите плиз, буду благодарен

категория: английский язык


1. What do you do when Ben phoned? 2. Have they moved into their new flat yet? 3. Do you know what are they discussing now? 4. The problem was more serious than we have expected5. What a boring film! It's the most boring film I've ever seen.6. I'll be surprised if you pass your exams successfully.7. Look! The bus is completely empty. There is nobody on it.8. Nancy looks like her father.9. If you take the medicine, you'll feel better.10. Linda was waiting for the bus when I saw her.

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