1) write the past indefinite tense of the verbs: напишите прошлое…

igorid 04 ноября 2023

1) write the past indefinite tense of the verbs: напишите прошлое неопределенное время глаголов: drink buy eat make grow send go bring write be have2) Refer the sentences to the past: Отошлите предложения к прошлому: Whenever my uncle visits us he always brings some nice presents for me. At Christmas they usually go Trafalgar Square and look at the Christmas tree. Ann dances very well. My brother usually does his morning exercises at 6 O'Clock The frog catches flies. The grandpa is a good fisherman.Whenever he goes fishing he usually catches a lot of fish

категория: английский язык


1) Drink-drankbuyu-boughteat atemake-madegrow-grewsend-sentgo-wentbring-broughtwrite-wrotebe-was/werehave-had2) Whenever my uncle visited us he always brought some nice presents for me. At Christmas they usually went Trafalgar Square and looked at the Christmas tree. Ann danced very well. My brother usually did his morning exercises at 6 O'Clock. The frog caught flies. The grandpa was a good fisherman.Whenever he goes fishing he usually caught a lot of fish.

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