11 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect simple or the past…

didey 17 сентября 2023

11 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect simple or the past simple. A Bert and Willy 1) … went… (go) fishing on Sunday. They 2) (take) some sandwiches and some coffee with them. They 3) … . (sit) on the river bank all day, but by the time they 4) … (leave) , they 5) … (not/catch) anything.

категория: английский язык


A 2) took 3) had been sitting 4) left 5) hadnt caughtB 1) was 2) had forgotten 3) got 4) wasC 1) had 2) had got up 3) finished 4) hadD 1) went 2) had 3) had got 4) realised 5) forgot 6) went

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