13 Баллов даю! Переведите в коссвеную речь! Спасибо!

fishua13 25 октября 2023

13 Баллов даю! Переведите в коссвеную речь! Спасибо!) 1 Mother said to me: " I felt bad yesterday"2 Grandfather said to Mary: " What mark did you get at school? "3 " Will you play football with us? " said the boys Peter4 "We shall go to the zoo tomorrow", said our grandmouther5 Kate said to her grandmouther: " Help me to cook the soup, please"6 Nick said: " I have never been to London"7 "Don't make noise," said Tom's mother to him8 Nellie said: "Will you remain to Omsk with your aunt? "9 Nick said: "I remember everything"10 "How much homework have you got for tomorrow? " John said to his brother

категория: английский язык


1 Mother said to me she had felt bad the day before yesterday2 Grandfather asked Mary what mark had she got at school3 Peter asked boys if they would play football with them4 Our grandmother said that they will go to the zoo the next day5 Kate asked her grandmother to help her to cook the soup6 Nick said he had never been to London7 Tom's mother said to him not to make noise8 Nellie asked if I would remain to Omsk with my aunt9 Nick said he remembered everything10 John asked his brother how much homework he had got for the next day

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