2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive

xenium 03 сентября 2023

2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.1 They will build a new hospital next month.2 They cleaned the room this morning.3 She didn't invite us to the wedding. 4 You can't use cameras inside the musuem.5 The Prime Minister will open the new hospital on Monday. 6 Careless drivers can cause accidents. 7 A loud noise woke them up last night. 8 In the USA, they hold Presidential elections every four years. 9 They will translate his book into Portuguese. 10 They found the minister guilty of fraud. Срочно надо на сегодня

категория: английский язык


1 They will build a new hospital next month.A new hospital will be built next month2 They cleaned the room this morning.The room was cleaned this morning3 She didn't invite us to the wedding. We weren't invited to the wedding4 You can't use cameras inside the musuem.Cameras can't be used inside the museum5 The Prime Minister will open the new hospital on Monday. The new hospital will be opened on Monday by the Prime Minister6 Careless drivers can cause accidents. Accidents can be caused by careless drivers7 A loud noise woke them up last night. They were waken up by a loud noise last night8 In the USA, they hold Presidential elections every four years. Presidential elections are held every four years in the USA9 They will translate his book into Portuguese. His book will be translated into Portuguese10 They found the minister guilty of fraud.The minister was found guilty of fraud

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